Political prosecution from a corrupt and Biased DOJ
Jury in Douglass Mackey trial tells judge they cannot come to a unanimous decision
“…Mackey, who was charged with election interference, has been on trial in the Eastern District of New York on federal charges. His alleged crime was making a meme in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election encouraging those who wished to vote for Hillary Clinton to do so via text.
The Department of Justice alleged that this constituted election interference, even though they were unable to provide evidence that anyone on Twitter was fooled by Mackey’s meme.
The defendant said that he wasn’t committing “election intereference” and was merely trying to make a viral meme. This he did. Hillary Clinton supporters posted similar memes suggesting that Trump supporters vote by text. These people were not arrested or charged by the DOJ.
Mackey, who went by Ricky Vaughn on Twitter, was arrested in January 2021 on the charge of “conspiring with others in advance of the 2016 US Presidential Election to use various social media platforms to disseminate misinformation designed to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote,” the DOJ said.
Early on in the trial, an expert witness for the defense withdrew from the trial after a reporter from the SPLC contacted him and asked, among other things, if his employer knew that he was testifying on Mackey’s behalf…”
How bad, how out-of-touch, how delusional is the Biden Administration? Watch.
Under questioning from Ted Cruz, Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refuses to say if there is a crisis on the border:
Cruz: “1 word. 1 syllable. 3 letters. That's how someone answers a question & does their job. You're being a politician misleading the American people.” pic.twitter.com/PsrZQ7C1Lo
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 28, 2023
🚨 Ted Cruz blasts Mayorkas: “If you had integrity, you would resign… You're willing to let children be raped… This is a crisis. It's a disgrace…”
Mayorkas: “What the Senator said was revolting. I'm not going to address it.”
Cruz: “Your refusal to do your job is revolting!” pic.twitter.com/4euM7lNLHV
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 28, 2023
WATCH: @HawleyMO grill Sec. Mayorkas on mobile app for illegal immigrants
HAWLEY: "Rather than building a wall…you have built Ticketmaster for illegal immigrants." pic.twitter.com/OP0sOiiO0h
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 28, 2023
The logic of the gun control left…
During a gun control push in the wake of the Nashville Christian school attack, President Joe Biden claimed that Americans “aren’t allowed to own a flamethrower.”
“…Biden said, “Everybody thinks, somehow, that the Second Amendment is absolute. But you’re not allowed to go out and own an automatic weapon, you’re not allowed to own a machine gun, you’re not allowed to own a flamethrower, you’re not allowed to own so many things.”
That’s not how it works pic.twitter.com/y2BZMu1NZB
— Paul Zeise (@PaulZeise) March 28, 2023
In reality, flamethrowers can be easily purchased, as long as you live in a state where flamethrowers are legal.
An American can even get a flamethrower for a rifle. Exothermic makes a Pulsefire UBF flamethrower that mounts right under the barrel of an AR-15.
Also, Americans are allowed to own a machine gun in many states around the country. Federal law on machine guns only limits private ownership to machine guns that were made before 1986.
The process of getting one is cumbersome, inasmuch as it requires being fingerprinted, photographed, paying a $200 tax to the federal government, undergoing a background check, and registering the machine gun with the ATF. This process takes about a year, but many people undergo it to buy a machine gun…”
Freak group says it’s your fault that they are freaks and if they murder you, that’s your fault too.
Trans Group on Nashville Shooting: ‘Anti-Trans Hate’ Has ‘Consequences’
Idiot media and irresponsible politicians have created this ultra-victim group. Freaks are freaks. Murderers are murderers. Note also that the freaks perceive that anti-trans hate exists. To them that perception is truth and it justifies murder.
Nobody would even know the freaks exist, if they didn’t shove it in everyone’s face nonstop. It’s not that people hate these freaks, it’s that people hate anyone or any group that tries to tell people what they should think or how they should act.
And of course, what do Democrats say, lawful Americans can no longer enjoy their constitutional right to own and bear arms because a freak killed people using a gun.
We live in the age of stupid transmogrifying into the age of the absurd.
This is a woman.
Trans Man Jailed for Tying up and Stabbing Trans Partner is ‘Woman’, Says UK Police
Stupid liberal bullshit has reached the level of the absurd.
And here is our garbage LGBTQ White House spokeswoman blaming Republicans for a deranged, murderous freak shooting children in a private Christian school.
It doesn't get much lower than blaming Republicans in Congress for a transgender killer who targeted a Christian school.
Shameful. https://t.co/MSt5CFiTXH
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) March 28, 2023
The age of the absurd.
“…Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) demanded Tuesday that FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas initiate a “federal hate crime” probe into the massacre.
“Federal Law explicitly criminalizes violence against individuals based on religious affiliation as hate crimes,” Hawley wrote to Wray and Mayorkas. “According to Nashville law enforcement, Hale’s attack was both premeditated and ‘targeted’ against this Christian school, its students, and employees.”…”
And finally:
Biden Opens Comments on Shooting with Jokes About Ice Cream
I am an admirer of Abraham Lincoln. Perhaps the best biography of Lincoln is that by Carl Sandburg, titled Abraham Lincoln The War Years, in 4 volumes. I have a 1939 edition. Sandburg was born only a few years after the Civil War and met and conversed with many veterans and veteran’s family members, as well as politicians and dignitaries with first hand information about Lincoln. Sandburg was also a prolific researcher. In Chapter 40 of the second volume of his work, and over about 127 pages, Sandburg recites first-hand accounts from a wide cross section of Americans who had face-to-face interactions with Old Abe. It is one of my favorite portions of his book and one of my favorite sources of information about Lincoln the man, and Lincoln the President.
It is worthwhile to remember that Lincoln, in addition to his duties as commander in chief, and his duties as head of the Republican Party, and his duties as political leader, and his troubles within his cabinet, and his duties as a father raising minor children in the White House, and his duties as a grieving father having recently lost his son Tad, and his duties as husband to a needy, self-absorbed, and sometimes petulant wife, set aside time two days each week (roughly one hour) to entertain and listen to the wants and rantings of average Americans who would come to the White House to request an interview with him.
When asked why he should submit himself to this “incessant daily procession, this never-ending scramble, this series of faces, so many asking trifles that could be attended to elsewhere” Lincoln responded:
“Ah yes! such things do very well for you military people, with your arbitrary rule, and in your camps. But the office of President is essentially a civil one, and the affair is different. For myself, I feel, though the tax on my time is heavy, that no hours of my day are better employed than those which bring me again within the direct contact and atmosphere of the average of our whole people. Men moving only in an official circle are apt to become merely official-not to arbitrary-in their ideas, and are apter with each passing day, to forget that they only hold power in a representative capacity…I tell you that I call these receptions my public opinion baths-for I have little time to read the papers and gather public opinion that way; and though they may not be pleasant in all particulars, the effect, as a whole, is renovating and invigorating.”
We need men like Lincoln.
Why do so many Americans hold media in contempt? Because the media are utter fools.
Green nonsense that passes for engineering won’t last, because it can’t last…
The Energy Transition Is a Delusion Indeed
“…But the Beltway being what it is, the fantasists are impervious to reality, until the massive costs and dislocations and absurdities become impossible to ignore. (Witness, for example, California.) Even as they backtrack on their confident assertions that a modern economy can be powered with the energy equivalent of pixie dust, they argue that the emerging problems are little more than growing pains attendant upon short run rigidities, and all will be well given some more time, more subsidies, and more magical thinking.
Uh, no. The obstacles confronting the “energy transition” are fundamental — they are caused by the very nature of unconventional energy — driven by massive costs, technical and engineering realities, severe constraints in terms of needed physical inputs, and at a political level growing local opposition to the unconventional energy facilities central to the “transition.”…”
It would be wonderful if this pans out…
‘Holy grail’ of cancer detection predicts tumors a year before they form: breakthrough
“…Cancer stem cells and very small embryonic-like stem cells are ideal candidates in blood for cancer detection, study authors wrote in a new report published in the journal Stem Cells…”
The federal bureaucracy is a Democrat bureaucracy that protects and promotes Democrats.
The IRS Makes a Strange House Call on Matt Taibbi
“…An agent shows up at the home of the Twitter files journalist who testified before Congress.
Democrats are denouncing the House GOP investigation into the weaponization of government, but maybe that’s because Republicans are getting somewhere. That includes new evidence that the Internal Revenue Service may be targeting a journalist who testified before the weaponization committee.
House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent. We’ve seen the letter, and both the circumstances and timing of the IRS focus on this journalist raise serious questions.
Now Mr. Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that an IRS agent showed up at his personal residence in New Jersey on March 9. That happens to be the same day Mr. Taibbi testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about what he learned about Twitter. The taxman left a note instructing Mr. Taibbi to call the IRS four days later. Mr. Taibbi was told in a call with the agent that both his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected owing to concerns over identity theft…”
ESPN honors biological male Will Thomas for Women’s achievement
We live in the age of stupid.
The age of stupid is rapidly transmogrifying into the age of the absurd.
NPR recently said there is no scientific evidence that men perform better than women in sports. The delusion on the left has reached absurd levels.
I’m one of the four. I think that it’s closer to 4.5…
Harvard Poll: Trump over DeSantis 50-24. Both beat Biden.
I think this is right. The media big mouths and conventional politicians do not have the capability to understand the Trump phenomenon, especially because it flies in the face of their numerous previous claims.
Donald Trump is still winning by being Donald Trump
Squishy republican Senators don’t like Trump talking about January 6th
That may be a reasonable response. On the other hand, it is the response the media big mouths and Democrat politicians want you to have, and reinforce hour after hour, day after day, month after month on their propaganda “cable news” channels.
Startling rise in testicular injuries among women athletes! Heh!
Doctors Report Startling Rise In Testicular Injuries Among Woman Athletes https://t.co/ZcoaFUcjEs
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) March 27, 2023
NIKE Releases New Women's Swimsuit With Extra Space For Male Genitalia https://t.co/UPne9brKyI
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) March 27, 2023
When you can't tell the difference between the New York Post and the Babylon Bee – 😂 https://t.co/rtgj2yXxGi
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) March 26, 2023
“Rude reps for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg told a House Judiciary staffer to “stop calling us with this bulls–t” after he made multiple attempts to get in touch by phone.”
DA Alvin Bragg’s staffer hangs up on ‘bulls–t’ congressional phone call
The real question is how many do we have on the inside? Stay tuned
Subscribe —> https://t.co/aXpfOC6v5F https://t.co/eYWUjszWdM— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) March 23, 2023
“Green campaigners are not ‘following the science’ – they are promoting a Biblical fantasy.”
The cult of the climate apocalypse
“…The End Times are back once more. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, published this week, prompted a typically apocalyptic response in the media and beyond. ‘It’s our last chance to limit global warming before climate-change damage becomes irreversible’, ran one headline. ‘Act now or it’s too late’, was the Guardian’s measured assessment. It might as well have said, ‘Repent sinners, the end is nigh’.
This swerve into almost religious rhetoric is no one-off. Mainstream climate-change coverage and activism are now dominated by the apocalyptic imagination. Indeed, the belief that humanity is facing possible extinction in the next century or sooner lies at the heart of the propaganda of Extinction Rebellion (XR) and its spin-off, Just Stop Oil. During interviews, and increasingly court appearances, activists present themselves as distressed and angered by the complacency of the public. Time is running out, they say frantically.
The apocalyptic nature of so much of contemporary environmentalism is no mere rhetorical flourish. It seems to structure the thought and outlook of activists. To grasp why apocalyptic thinking seems to resonate so strongly with hardline environmentalists, it is worth looking at the ancient, indeed Biblical, origins of this thinking – in which fantasies of vengeance and the promise of a world redeemed were first forged…”
Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
Related: The cult is real.
Biden Climate Envoy John Kerry Says U.S. Needs to Work with China, Russia on Climate Change
Related: Climate is only one of the weird Democrat cults alive today. Here is another, the cult of “assault” gun hatred. The AR-15 is a mechanical devil that must be destroyed.
WaPo Rampages Against AR-15, Calls World’s Most Popular Firearm ‘The Radical’s Rifle’
Biden describes this as a great success. U.S. Military equipment in Afghanistan. Decide for yourself.
One more visual
This is massive high end American military equipments 👀 pic.twitter.com/tP5MolRwZb
— OsintTV 📺 (@OsintTV) March 24, 2023
Joe Biden didn’t just leave $85 billion dollars worth of U.S. military equipment in his deadly disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan.
It was a gift to the Taliban who murdered and maimed our soldiers for years.
One of the most embarrassing betrayals ever.
Biden should be… pic.twitter.com/oXkJhsX2dm
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) March 26, 2023
I don’t trust the government. It is hopelessly politicized.
The FBI had more people in the Proud Boys than the Proud Boys
“…The trial of chapter leader Zach Rehl was preparing to call a witness this week, but ran into a problem. Their ‘witness’ turned out to be a confidential informant for the FBI who had been spying on the defense team…”
A perfect Democrat headline…
How To Give Children Hope About Bleak Climate Future
Is liberalism a mental disorder?
The world is coming to a bleak end. Let’s give children hope!