Never forget

Photo by Robert F. Sargent, US Coast Guard. Men of the 1st Battalion, 16th IR, Ist ID, 6 June 1944, 7:30 am, Omaha Beach, Easy Red Sector near Le Ruquet.
Photo by Harold Barclay. Soldiers of the 90th US ID off Utah Beach in LCI(L)-326, man in foreground is Medic E. Nielson (WIA-6/9/44). CO of this LCI was Lt. Samuel Allison USCGR who was awarded a Silver Star for his actions on this day.



Biden’s infrastructure bill? Sorry, that’s destruction of infrastructure based on cockamamie climate and racist anti-racist pseudoscience.

$20 Billion to Rip Up Highways, To Reduce Climate Change and Division Caused by Road Traffic

“…President Biden’s infrastructure plan includes $20 billion to pour landfill into major access roads to cities, to eliminate racist community divides, reduce CO2 emissions, and revitalize inner cities by ensuring people who work in cities are incentivized to live near their workplaces…”

Just how perverse, twisted and sick are the new racists of the anti-racist movement? This sick.

Harvard-affiliated physicians want to deliver ‘preferential care based on race’

    • The physicians’ plan would single out Black and ‘Latinx’ patients in ‘fight for racial justice in medicine.’
    • Critical Race Theory influenced the physicians’ support for ‘medical restitution’ and ‘federal reparations.’

“…Harvard Medical School instructors Bram Wispelwey and Michelle Morse argue in a Boston Review article that race should be used as a determining factor in how heart failure patients are treated.

They write that the necessary “proactively antiracist agenda for medicine” should be direct, and the solution they propose could reach patients exactly at the point of care: “a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service.”…”

God bless and protect our brave men and women serving around the world

LCVP landing at Utah Beach
Troops land from USS LCI(L)-412 during the “D-Day” assault on “Omaha” Beach, 6 June 1944. LCI (L) -412 is part of Task Force 124.4  under the orders of Captains Bailey and Wright (USN). The force included 112 ships. It must disembark the units of the 115th and 116th RCT, on the beaches of Easy Green, Dog Red, Dog White and Dog Green sectors on the west side of Omaha Beach.
Photo Bob Landry, Life Magazine:
Paratrooper Eller W. Habb, of New-Castel, Delaware, rests next to the German road sign north of Sainte Mère Église along RN13, 6 June 1944.
(L to R) Omar Bradley (back to camera), Ernest King, unknown soldier, George Marshall, Dwight Eisenhower, Alan Kirk. Ruquet Beach in Saint Laurent sur Mer, Omaha sector, 12 June 1944.

Americans are the customers, not the prisoners. Many corporations seem to have lost their way.

American, Southwest put off plans to serve alcohol after passenger disruptions, assault on board

    • Southwest Airlines says it’s delaying a planned return of alcohol sales on board.
    • The decision comes after one of its flight attendants was assaulted on board.
    • The FAA this week said incidents, some of them violent, against flight attendants have surged this year, even though passenger numbers are below normal levels.

American corporations seem to be following the federal government down a path that is increasingly disconnected from reality. Corporations like government are dependent on the American public and not the other way around.

On a Southwest flight recently, I found the instructions by a stewardess relating to masking to verge on rude and condescending. This is not the way to gain cooperation of a large group of people in a free country. The rise of unruly passengers seems to have a linear relationship to the rise in petty tyrant personalities from low-level people in a position of semi-authority. Push that saucy talk a little too far, and public cooperation will decrease. That is the point I think we have reached. Passengers on an airplane are customers. Treat them as such. If you don’t, expect push back.

Poorly thought out public policy on a huge scale will likely result in poor results for most American’s on an equal scale.

Joe Biden’s Imaginary America

His policies seem designed for coastal enclaves that do not represent most of the country

Joel Kotkin & Wendell Cox:

“…Joe Biden’s ballyhooed “infrastructure” plan, coupled with unprecedented stimulus spending, is cast by the obliging media as being about the middle class but seems oddly detached from how the overwhelming majority of the middle class lives, which is in lower-density, automobile-dependent neighborhoods. This dynamic was intensifying even before the pandemic. But Biden’s plan seems mostly about serving the relatively small sliver of transit-riding apartment dwellers living in denser neighborhoods. Overall, dense residential areas accommodate no more than 10 percent of the nation’s population.

Rather than emulate Roosevelt’s New Deal, as Biden’s handlers insist, the plan renounces much of what drove it. The New Deal, whatever one thinks of it, was about improving the material quality of life for most Americans, such as by spreading the benefits of homeownership to an ever-broader part of the population. In contrast, the Biden plan focuses on permanent redistribution through ever more entitlements and dependency — something Roosevelt opposed. It is likely to reduce our competitiveness by boosting energy and regulatory costs as well as taxes.

Perhaps nothing better illustrates the Biden administration’s myopic sense of geography than its transportation priorities. Take urban transit. Biden has proposed a policy that, by some estimates, would allocate $165 billion for public transit (including urban rail — subways, light rail, and commuter rail) against only $115 billion to fix and modernize roads and bridges. Transit, which accounts for about 1 percent of overall urban and rural ground transportation, would receive nearly 60 percent of the money.

Echoing conventional progressive rhetoric, the administration’s transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, embraces the idea of getting Americans out of their cars and into trains and buses. For at least half a century, this has been a principal public-policy objective — and the results have been spectacularly unsuccessful. Despite the expenditure of more than $2 trillion and the construction of many new rail systems, transit’s share of daily commute trips dropped 44 percent from 1970 to 2019 (8.9 percent to 5.0 percent of the total). Even before COVID, working at home accounted for more commuting nationwide than did transit. Outside New York City, nearly 60 percent more people worked at home than rode transit in 2019, according to the American Community Survey. Transit accounted for less than 2 percent of all urban travel before COVID. The administration nonetheless is thinking about taxing vehicle mileage to pay for infrastructure, something that would be wildly unpopular outside the handful of dense urban cores where transit ridership is high…”

The most important thing to remember is that you are responsible for decisions you make, nobody else. Exercise your own judgement and trust in it.

Death and double standards: Harder to attribute mortality to vaccine than to COVID?

“…Comorbidities are downgraded as causal factors in death when they overlap with COVID, whether the latter is verified or even merely suspected.

Stephanie Dubois, a British model aged 39, and Lisa Shaw, a BBC radio presenter aged 44, died within a day of each other due to serious thrombotic episodes after receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Neither had underlying health conditions.

Dubois’ case has now been referred to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as she lived in Cyprus, but she left her own account of her tragic decline on her Facebook page:

May 6: “So I had the vaccination today! I hate needles, today was no exception … And now I feel horrendous … pizza and bed for me.”

May 14: “Woke up feeling fine and then within an hour I had full body shakes, all my joints seized, and I was struggling to breathe and was cold to the bone with a persistent headache and dizziness … Mum and dad came to look after me and took me for a Covid test, which thankfully was negative … but it still doesn’t explain what the problem is. Maybe I’m having a prolonged reaction to my Covid jab last week.”

That same day she was admitted to the hospital.

May 18: “Done being ill now … Couple more tests today! PS — I still don’t like needles — feeling tired.”

May 19: Dubois went into a coma.

Shaw’s family said in a statement: “Lisa developed severe headaches a week after receiving her AstraZeneca vaccine and fell seriously ill a few days later … She was treated by the [Royal Victoria Infirmary’s] intensive care team for blood clots and bleeding in her head.”

According to Britain’s medical watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), there have been 332 cases of blood clotting leading to 58 deaths from the AZ vaccine. Statistically, that is very small compared to the estimated 23.9 million first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and 9.0 million second doses administered in the U.K. by the same date.

The death of Dubois highlights how much harder it is to attribute deaths to the vaccines than it is to claim death by COVID. Deutsche Welle has even run a fact-check article on other cases titled “No links found between vaccinations and deaths.”

The German state broadcaster and publisher sought to debunk claims made in many other countries, including Italy, Austria, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Belgium and the U.S. In a case in a Norwegian nursing home, it quoted the EMA stating: “Pre-existing diseases seemed to be a plausible explanation for death. In some individuals, palliative care had already been initiated before vaccination.”

Statens Legemiddelverk of the Norwegian Medicines Agency claimed, “Every day, an average of 45 people die in Norwegian nursing homes … therefore, deaths that occur close to the time of vaccination is expected, but it does not imply a causal relationship to the vaccine.”

Figures for deaths attributed to COVID, meanwhile, are not scrutinized to the same level…”

The big problem for climate alarmists is that Earth keeps thwarting their predictions

Surprising sea ice thickness across the Arctic is good news for polar bears

“…This year near the end of May the distribution of thickest sea ice (3.5-5m/11.5-16.4 ft – or more) is a bit surprising, given that the WMO has suggested we may be only five years away from a “dangerous tipping point” in global temperatures. There is the usual and expected band of thick ice in the Arctic Ocean across northern Greenland and Canada’s most northern islands but there are also some patches in the peripheral seas (especially north of Svalbard, southeast Greenland, Foxe Basin, Hudson Strait, Chukchi Sea, Laptev Sea). This is plenty of sea ice for polar bear hunting at this time of year (mating season is pretty much over) and that thick ice will provide summer habitat for bears that choose to stay on the ice during the low-ice season: not even close to an emergency for polar bears…”

It’s almost as if the alarmists don’t know what they’re talking about. That doesn’t seem to prevent them from making bad prediction after bad prediction year after year.

Use common sense. Trust your judgement. Don’t follow crowds no matter how big or how much the cliquey set say you should, unless you determine it’s in your interest to do so.

Rand Paul: The science proves people with natural immunity should skip COVID vaccines

“…To dictate that a person recovered from COVID-19 with natural immunity also submit to a vaccine — without scientific evidence — is nothing more than hubris. If you have no proof that people who acquired natural immunity are getting or transmitting the disease in real numbers, then perhaps you should just be quiet. People are not getting re-infected in large numbers. And that’s not me saying so, that’s the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, quietly admitting that on its website. One thing they also admitted, while at first trying to hide it, was that there are no studies showing that getting the vaccine if you already have natural immunity is of any benefit at all. They can’t show that, because it has not yet been studied. It took my friend Congressman Thomas Massie to make them admit this, by the way. They originally denied their own studies on this…

…We know this. Doctors know this. Scientists who design vaccines know this. Vaccines are created to attempt to replicate the immunity we get from having been infected with a disease. I want all the science deniers to read that again. Vaccines are a replacement for natural immunity. They aren’t necessarily better. In fact, natural immunity from measles confers lifelong immunity and the vaccine immunity wanes over a few decades. I choose to follow the science with COVID, rather than submit to fear-mongering…”