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Joe Biden Is A Good Man?

“…The man who occupies the highest office in the world is a pathological liar. We need go no further back than 1987, when he had to drop his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination because he plagiarized a speech from Neil Kinnock, then a Labor Party member of the British Parliament.

“The tapes of the two speakers, which were eventually aired on U.S. television, show Biden not only echoing Kinnock’s words but aping his gestures,” Time reported in 1987.

Decades earlier, “Biden also failed a course because he wrote a paper that used five pages from a published law-review article without quotation marks or a proper footnote,” Time remembers in a 2019 article.

A decent man would not steal the work of others and claim they were his own.

Biden also lied, Time added, when he rattled “off his academic accomplishments, including saying that he graduated in the top half of his law school, when in fact, he ranked 76th out of 85.”

The truth was also twisted by Biden when he said that he “went to law school on a full academic scholarship,” was “the only one in my class to have full academic scholarship,” and earned three undergraduate degrees. It was a neat package of lies.

There are many other self-aggrandizing inventions, such as his claim that he drove an 18-wheel rig; his oft-repeated implication that late son Beau died a war hero in Iraq; that he was a teen civil rights activist and once arrested for standing up for black family that had moved into a neighborhood during desegregation; that he “had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see (Nelson Mandela) on Robben Island,” a total fabrication; that he was the first in his family to go college (yet Biden also said his grandfather was a star college football player); and that he had been nominated to attend the United States Naval Academy.

The inveterate braggart has also implied that he had an uncle whose last act was to serve as featured guest at a party of cannibals and has told different audiences that he was “brought up by both the Puerto Rican community and the black community,” is “more Jewish than the Jews” and “came close to trying out as a walk-on in the NFL.

We’re exhausted already, and we haven’t even gotten to Biden’s lies in regard to his and Donald Trump’s presidencies.

For instance, Biden said during the debate that when he took office the “economy was flat on its back,” unemployment was “15%” and “there were no jobs.”

“These are 100%, solid-gold lies,” we said, and we backed up our statement.

Other Biden falsehoods during the debate include the whopper that he is the “only president this century, this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” when in fact 13 U.S. service members were killed in action in Afghanistan during Biden’s bungled August 2021 pullout; that the U.S. Border Patrol union had “endorsed me, endorsed my position”; and that Trump “wants to get rid of Social Security. … He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Biden followed up the debate with an ABC interview in which he said “I’m the guy who put NATO together” and “I’m the guy that shut (Vladimir) Putin down,” both of which are such obvious fabrications that we don’t even need to provide the evidence to the contrary. And, as we pointed out yesterday, he lied about the lies he’d previously told about how economists did or didn’t endorse his economic plan.

Now would a decent man continue to stack lies on lies? Of course not.

Biden also has a nasty streak. Surely there are voters who recall him condescendingly telling New Hampshire teacher Frank Fahey while campaigning in 1987 that “I think I have a much higher IQ than you, I suspect.” All the man did was ask which law school Biden attended and where he placed in his class. And Biden might have been right: The teacher was gullible enough to endorse Biden in 2019 because – get this – he liked Biden’s honesty.

Four years later, it was Biden who led the “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks” during U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing. Biden was earlier complicit in the smearing of Robert Bork, who was nominated for the Court but rejected by the Senate. Our former Investor’s Business Daily colleague, the late George Neumayr, wrote in 2020 that “Supreme Court nomination hearings have gone from serene to savage, thanks largely to Joe Biden.”

Biden’s shameful conduct was on display during the 2012 campaign, when he said Republicans were going to put black Americans “back in chains,” and again repeatedly over the years claiming that truck driver Curtis C. Dunn “drank his lunch” before the 1972 collision in which Biden’s wife Neilia and infant daughter Naomi were killed. The truth is “the state official who oversaw the investigation” and Dunn’s daughter “said that wasn’t true,” says the Washington Times.

Former Biden staffer Tara Reade might also have an opinion about how “good” Biden is. She accused Biden of sexual assault. In all, according to Business Insider, “eight women have alleged that Biden either touched them inappropriately or violated their personal space in ways that made them uncomfortable.”

We wonder, as well, what Biden’s daughter Ashley might say, if pressed, about her father. She wrote in her diary that she took “showers with my dad” and it was “probably not appropriate.”

The “good man” tale has also been exposed by credible charges that Biden profited from his office through his son Hunter’s business deals with foreign interests. Would a decent man pad his bank accounts in the millions through influence peddling?

We further ask if a good and decent man who promised to unite the country if elected president would later demonize roughly half the population with a speech that looked as if it had been stage-managed by Nazi propaganda filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl?

Joe Biden is not a good man and the many who have claimed he is know better. But in the same way, Biden’s mental and physical infirmities have been covered up, Scranton Joe’s nastiness has been concealed, as well. God help us if this unprincipled man who has served only himself and his family is reelected in November…”