The complications of being a liberal…

‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag, Causing Such a Fuss for Justice Alito, Flew at San Francisco Civic Center for 60 Years Before Being Removed Days Ago

AP/Michael Perez

“…San Francisco has removed from its Civic Center Plaza the same American revolutionary-era flag — the “Appeal to Heaven” banner with its iconic evergreen tree — that some liberals are criticizing Justice Alito for flying at his New Jersey vacation home last year.

Over the weekend, San Francisco’s city park officials took down the flag, which was one of 18 raised by the city on Flag Day in 1964, and replaced it with an American flag. Officials said in a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle that the emblem originally symbolized the “quest for American independence,” yet it has “since been adopted by a different group — one that doesn’t represent the city’s values.”…”

The cognitive dissonance mental load required to maintain deeply held liberal beliefs in the face of contradictory reality is the primary causal agent in the epidemic of Liberal Mental Disorder sweeping the nation.


Justice Alito tells democrats and media clowns to shove it.

‘I will not recuse from either case involving President Trump.’