I am so old I can remember when the media proclaimed Trump a sexist, a woman-hater, a jew-hater, an hispanic-hater, etc.—oh well.
“…President Trump has seven women currently serving as senior White House advisers — more than any of his three predecessors.
At the same time in their presidencies, Barack Obama had five; George W. Bush three, and Bill Clinton five.
The report, in the Washington Examiner, notes that presidents who served before Clinton appointed so few women to top jobs that Trump’s record may be higher than that of any chief executive in history.
Trump’s appointees are: White House press secretary Sarah Sanders; counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway; CIA Director Gina Haspel; Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen; senior adviser Ivanka Trump (the president’s daughter); Director of Legislative Affairs Shahira Knight, and Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp.
The president had an eighth until last December, when UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigned…”