Old and trying to hide it…

Biden’s walkers

“…President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine: Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he’s now often surrounded by aides.

    • Why it matters: With aides usually walking between Biden and the press’ camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old’s halting and stiff gait, Axios’ Hans Nichols and Alex Thompson report.

Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age…”

Judge Merchan is just another Democrat…

Mark Levin: The Entire Electoral Process Is Criminalized Where We Don’t Know What’s Even Legal Anymore

Gutfeld: By Embracing Lawfare, The Left Are Betraying Their Future Selves Because Mob Justice Will Come For Them

Mike Davis: Where Are The Republican Politicians, Why Aren’t They Fighting The Democrats’ Lawfare?

Where are the Republican Politicians? They’re cowards hiding under their desks.

McConnell: I Don’t Believe In Presidential Immunity From Criminal Prosecution, But It’s Not Up To Me

I wonder what he thinks about congressional immunity? It is long overdue for this man to go.

Headline of the day – crackpot education edition…

Baltimore high school athletic director arrested for creating AI deepfake of white principal to stage race hoax

Related. The wacky left has captured our education system and destroyed it:


And more DEI fakery in the top spot at Columbia:

Biden has claimed he cut the $34+ trillion national debt by $7 billion, $1.4 trillion, $1.7 billion, $1.7 trillion, and “in half,” depending on the day.

Donald Trump announces he is going to try to win the state of New York

Justice Alito skewers the pro-abortion argument in one question…

Democrats. This is who they are: Obama-appointed Judge Loretta Biggs (D) just ruled that North Carolina must allow felons to vote in their elections.