“…It’s not climate change that has set California on fire, as Gov. Gavin Newsom claims.
It’s human mismanagement and green obstinacy.
Locking up forests and preventing tree clearing and the systematic fuel reduction required in any prudent management of nature has been a disaster in a state that is “built to burn.”
Now that the cataclysm predicted by world forestry and fire experts has come to pass, the culprits are blaming climate change.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They warn of cataclysmic climate change if we don’t suddenly remove the cheap, fossil-fueled energy on which this nation’s economic prosperity was founded.
Then they work against any sensible management of California’s forests which would reduce the severity of routine regular wildfires.
Then, when the wildfires become record-breaking conflagrations, they point and say, “See, I told you so.”…”