Nazism is a mental disorder. The question is whether this guy was manipulated by state actor…

The Cornell Nazi is chinese american Patrick Dai from Pittsburgh

“…In an interview with the New York Post, Dai’s father asserted that his son is innocent. “My son is in severe depression. He cannot control his emotion well due to the depression. No I don’t think he committed the crime.”

Dai took two semesters off from his studies — in Spring 2022 and Spring 2023 — due to mental health problems under the suggestion of a doctor, Dai’s father told The Post.

His father said Dai stopped communicating with his family around the time that the threats were posted online, according to The Post. “My wife called him or sent messages to him many times but got no answers. She was worrying that he may commit suicide and drove to his apartment to see what happened,” the father said…”

Mentally disturbed people are an easy mark for a foreign intelligence service seeking to cause mayhem.

Related. It is like mass hypnosis:

Paris: Jewish Homes, Stores Marked With Stars of David

The Psychology of Mass Hypnosis and American Totalitarianism

“…crowd psychology replaces independent, objective and critical thinking. It lowers anxiety and gives a sense of connection with others at the cost of rationality, common sense and individual objectivity. What we’re seeing today is a form of mass hypnosis, a psychological methodology to aid in reducing anxiety whipped up by the media and government tyrants in the first place. It’s the 21st Century version of mass hysteria. If it’s working so well with COVID-19, how well might it work with even more devastating campaigns of indoctrination and submission to follow?…”


Gabbard: LGBTQIA Activists Holding The Trans Flag With The Palestinian Flag Don’t Understand Islamist Ideology

Doug Santo