Jason Whitlock on the black-lash for Trump. Worth your time…
First 20 minutes.
Ramaswamy is very good…
Clueless MSNBC host sits in stunned silence as Vivek Ramaswamy exposes the climate change scam pic.twitter.com/YFaSMlVOkp
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) August 30, 2023
I don’t discount this. The left controls all aspects of popular society and they pump outlandish Trump hate to the public 24/7. There also appears to be an epidemic of mental disease. The epidemic is focused on the identity and grievance crowd on social media.
TUCKER ON TRUMP: “We are speeding towards assassination obviously. — They have decided that there's something about Trump that's so threatening to them, they just can't have it”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 30, 2023
The English are tough people. Don’t underestimate their ability to throw off authoritarian restrictions and edicts…
London, England: An anti-ULEZ vigilante group known as the "Blade Runners" has committed itself to removing or disabling every last ULEZ camera in London.
90% of the cameras in South East London have already been "retired".
Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', people are… pic.twitter.com/RlGCdScLjK
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 30, 2023
Ignorance is not a basis for understanding society…
The logic of white liberals who don’t know anything about history and don’t know many black people https://t.co/ZrDGl8rQrd
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) August 31, 2023
Some truth in this…
The reason I harp on female promiscuity so much is because it leads to every problem in society.
And no it’s not equal for men and women.
Maybe 10% of men participate in hookup culture where 80% of women do.
— H. Pearl Davis (@pearlythingz) August 30, 2023
Liberal journalism…
“…He was director general when BBC nixed an investigation segment about accused pedophile Jimmy Savile…”
Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Gets Away With Sexual Abuse Charges, Dementia Defense
The Catholic Church seems to be self-destructing.
Headline of the day – A statement of the obvious…
It’s a teaching moment for the Democrat political activists that call themselves teachers and that have occupied our education system
Colorado gov. calls student’s Gadsden patch a ‘teaching moment’ as school reverses ruling
This is a revolutionary war symbol resulting from the ideas and writings of Benjamin Franklin. It is a warning to the British. It is a call to nascent Americans to come together in unity to defend their rights.
What this episode highlights is the multi-generational failure of our education system to teach basic American history. Instead they teach identity, grievance, and dependency.
Smart kid:
Jaiden speaks! He’s so grateful for all the support you’ve all shown. 🇺🇸💪🏼🎉 pic.twitter.com/pyW9pzsic2
— Connor Boyack 📚 (@cboyack) August 30, 2023
Garland has proven himself to be a corrupt Washington coward…
Garland stiffs Congress on Hunter-related subpoenas
“…This letter shows precisely why Garland elevated Weiss to a special counsel. Following the spectacular collapse of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal last month, he needed to put an additional layer of protection between Hunter’s wheeling and dealing and President Joe Biden…”
The Washington bureaucracy sees itself as an elite class above the laws and social rules that apply to the proles…
Ex-CIA agent who signed ‘spies who lie’ letter tried to hide Twitter job after Post cover
Garbage people. They have failed themselves. They have failed our great country.
The problem with liberal economic policies is that they often have the opposite effect intended. Liberals never admit that, so they tie themselves into pretzels to explain how some other factor caused the negative effect…
Biden proposal would give overtime pay to 3.6 million more US workers.
Of course this phenomenon is not restricted to economic policy. Green stupidity and virtue signaling often has the same result:
Non-plastic straws the latest example of climate activism’s unintended and deadly consequences
Failure is a choice. In some Democrat cities it is a choice made by generation after generation of voters…
Liberal Law No. 1: When a liberal person or liberal institution claims another party is doing something nefarious, the claimant is doing that precise thing contemporaneously with the claim…
Unfortunately cult members cannot be humiliated. The cult has faith-based tenants that are not subject to scientific analysis. Cult members believe and that is enough…
The Democrats cynical use of propaganda, fear, and social ostracism to gain and maximize political power…
Gov’t, Media to Run COVID Playbook for Climate Change
“…The comedian and podcaster saw through the media misinformation, government overreach and fear-mongering. He pointed the finger at biased journalists and hypocritical politicians like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, whom he eviscerated in a now-classic interview from a decade ago…
…“You have people hanging on to the levers of power. The way they get control is through fear. So COVID comes along and they go, ‘whatever is it you wanted to do, you can’t do that anymore,’” Carolla said.
The compliant media amplifies the messaging. And it’s about to happen again.
“Once they tie it to Climate Change, there are a bunch more rules, the gas stove and the barbecue’s out … they make it so by closing the schools. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy,” the comedian said before offering a perfect example…
..The perfect storm is, agitate and frighten the citizens, especially the moms … then, people in power go, ‘now I get to act and I’m gonna start shutting stuff down.’ Anybody who brings up anything contrary, I will make sure they’re stamped out. We’ll go after them … anyone pushes back…”
Democrats, you can’t make it up…
“Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” are fake names used by Biden while he was Vice President of the U.S.
National Archives Has About 5,400 Emails, Records Linked to Joe Biden’s Email Aliases
“…The email aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails…”
Corruption at the highest levels of our government. Exposed. Out in the open. Obvious for anyone to see. And yet Trump is the one facing 4 indictments and 90 some odd charges.
Our justice system is garbage. Our media is garbage. Our ruling class elites are garbage.
Related. Our garbage justice system protects and defends Democrats, persecutes and prosecutes Republicans:
DOJ says Hunter Biden subpoenas can’t ‘be enforced’
Judge Chutkan Compares January 6 to 9/11 Attacks, Boston Marathon Bombing
Why are these garbage people acting this way? Here is why:
McLaughlin Poll — Trump Beats Biden in Electoral Landslide
Trump leads Biden 49-41 in swing states
Trump just posted this video on Truth Social. Writing A MUST WATCH—MAGA!!! 💥💥💥
WATCH and Share 👇 pic.twitter.com/bvhwfjgHlc
— Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 (@PU28453638) August 28, 2023
Is the next headline satire?
Donald Trump’s Trial For Election Interference Set To Begin In Time To Interfere With Election