Conrad Black: “These initiatives have been more profoundly dishonest and reprehensible than any charge that could be leveled against Trump.”

Trump, Having Been Tested Like No Other, Emerges as a Much More Compelling Figure Than Previous Versions

“…This entire prolonged twilight of the hijacking of post-Reagan America by Democrats and look-alike Republicans is ending with slow and excruciating inexorability. There has been a reduction of the dignity of American presidential politics in which both parties have participated.
Richard Nixon, a distinguished president of whom there remains, 50 years after his resignation, no probative evidence that he committed a crime, was an old-fashioned patriotic American. He was so appalled at the thought of a presidential impeachment trial, which had not occurred in more than a century, that he retired rather than subject the nation to such an indignity.
Like Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Lyndon Johnson, President Nixon never accepted a cent as an ex-president to give a speech or make an appearance. As we have seen, times have changed greatly.
Four years ago, the country had no idea that it would get 9 percent inflation, an absolute reduction in the purchasing power of the average family and individual, the admission of 10 million illegal immigrants, including scores of thousands of violent criminals, the worst military fiasco in American history in Afghanistan, a war in Ukraine with no exit strategy.
Not to mention a war in the Middle East where the administration has unsuccessfully attempted to straddle between the rights of Israel and trying not to offend Muslim voters in Michigan and Minnesota by saying that Israel had a right “to defend itself,” but not to take any serious reprisals against even the terrorists who inflicted the greatest murder of Jews since the liberation of the Nazi death camps in 1945…”

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