Liberal Mental Disorder presenting as obsession…

Wash Post Breaking — Merrick Garland and Jack Smith plan to pursue cases against Trump until January 20, Inauguration Day

Good luck with that sweethearts.


DOJ plans new felony charges against J6 prisoners

The Democrat bureaucrats at DOJ got their hats handed to them by SCOTUS, but they are going to find a work around if it hairlips everybody on Bear Creek.

The calm and carefully reasoned Democrat response to the Supreme Court decision in Trump v. U.S.


The complete lack of self-awareness among Democrats is remarkable. So extraordinary it is hard to believe they are acting in good faith:

Democrats Warn: Immunity Decision Will Let Presidents Go After Political Opponents

Dems Hysterical: He’ll Send Seals After Opponents!

BlueAnon Hysterics Claim ‘President Can Now Assassinate You’

Rachel Maddow: Supreme Court Immunity Ruling Has Legalized “Right-Wing Death Squads”

Bette Midler Attacks Supreme Court in ‘Wizard of Oz’ Parody Song: ‘You’re Scared of Our Vaginas’

Dean: ‘We No Longer Have a Functioning Court’

Katyal: ‘Blueprint for How to End Rule of Law’

Schumer Lashes Out at ‘MAGA SCOTUS’

The younger the Democrat, the more absurd the rhetoric:

AOC to File Articles of Impeachment Against SCOTUS

Leftists Call for Trump’s Assassination Online

The Washington elite are such partisan narcissistic fools they are a self-parody:

MSNBC’s Wallace: Trump Could Target Me, People Will Flee the Country

We have the worst media and political class of my my adult life, and it seems to get worse day by day.

Biden Supreme Court

Trump still polling well…

USA Today/Suffolk (Post-Debate): Trump 41, Biden 38, Kennedy 8, West/Stein 1

The Washington elite revealed as a bunch of liars…

The Lies We Have Lived Through

“…What followed was the most comprehensive deceit in presidential history, analogous to insisting that frail and dying FDR in 1944 was just fine as the November election approached or that Woodrow Wilson was expertly running the country as he lay bedridden and near comatose.

Any who questioned the vigorous Biden narrative was trashed as “ageist.” Special counsel Robert Hur was dubbed a “hack” for accurately describing Biden as so amnesiac he would win nullification acquittal from a sympathetic jury.

An array of court sycophants periodically gave interviews, insisting that the robust Biden was smarter and wiser than ever. His press secretary, Karin Jean-Pierre, helped coin a new slur, “cheap fake,” for any who collated video and audio clips demonstrating that Biden was obviously non compos mentis. Would she say the same today after the about-face CNN panelists reviewed Biden’s serial debate lapses to support their now-opportune advocacy that he not run for reelection? Would she wish to be a passenger in a car driven by Biden?

In sum, the “dynamic Biden” farce was finally laid to rest by a debate, but not before it had served the original leftist Faustian bargain. Under the guise of COVID, an enfeebled and stationary Biden outsourced his entire 2020 campaign to toady journalists and surrogate politicians…”

Justice Thomas’s concurring opinion in Trump v. U. S. calls into question the appointment of Jack Smith as Special Council…

“…In this case, there has been much discussion about ensuring that a President “is not above the law.” But, as the Court explains, the President’s immunity from prosecution for his official acts is the law. The Constitution provides for “an energetic executive,” because such an Executive is “essential to . . . the security of liberty.” Ante, at 10 (internal quotation marks omitted). Respecting the protections that the Constitution provides for the Office of the Presidency secures liberty. In that same vein, the Constitution also secures liberty by separating the powers to create and fill offices. And, there are serious questions whether the Attorney General has violated that structure by creating an office of the Special Counsel that has not been established by
law. Those questions must be answered before this prosecution can proceed. We must respect the Constitution’s separation of powers in all its forms, else we risk rendering its protection of liberty a parchment guarantee”