Strzok Hearing – Nauseating Display of Moral Turpitude

Roger Simon:

“…So we’re all liars and maybe we are, but I’ll tell you what convinced me — besides an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence equivalent to the O.J. trial — that Strzok was not just your garden variety prevaricator but an out-and-out conniving, evil S. O. B.: his smirk.

The shrinks call that “inappropriate affect” and it sure was.  What the hell was this guy smirking about? Even in the remote possibility (oh, how remote) that his bias had no direct political and investigatory consequence, he had shamed himself, his family, and the FBI and its personnel tremendously, damaging the organization materially for years to come. And yet he was smirking.

In fact, he wasn’t just smirking.  He was fighting back as if he were the wounded party. One “useful idiot” on the Democratic side even said he deserved the Purple Heart.

It was a nauseating display of moral turpitude on the part of the Democrats and Strzok.  Who paved the way for that?  Well, I’ll tell you: Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Listening to the hearings today convinced me more than ever that he, like Strzok, is a liar — only a far subtler and therefore ultimately more dangerous one. In fact, he’s so good he probably believes his own lies  Unlike Strzok, he doesn’t smirk or get angry…”

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