G7 Message – The Days of Taking Advantage of the U.S. Are Over

The media just can’t help themselves. The reporting is all negative. Trump alienated our allies. Trump is the worst. Trump is dumb. Trump is having mental problems. The world hates the U.S. now. The old world order is over. Trump disrespected U.S. media. You name it, the fake news has reported it, and it’s all a disaster.

I think the meeting went fine. Trump told our allies the days of taking advantage of the U.S. are over. They can play fair on trade, or they can take a hike. The U.S. annual GDP is larger than all the other G7 countries combined. We have run huge trade deficits with most of the countries present. Trump is exactly right that the U.S. will prevail in any economic trade war with any or all of the G7 countries.