Department of Education to become mask Gestapo (perverse)

The Morning Briefing: Biden Weaponizes Dept. of Education to Become the COVID Mask Gestapo

“…The mask fetishists have really been letting their freak flags fly under the cover that Biden’s Afghanistan cock-up has been giving them. They get creepier by the hour. Seriously, these people need to be rounded up and put in some sort of leper colony for fascists. They will be free to keep the masks on their enraged faces all they want.

They’re empowered by a government that is now in the hands of people who are all too casual about using its might against any citizens who don’t agree with them. I’m not talking about criminals, I’m talking about law-abiding Americans who are merely running afoul of the liberal narrative du jour. We saw it happen when Barack Obama was president and he sent the IRS after conservative tea party groups…”


“…In case you were under the impression that every government institution isn’t irreparably infiltrated by liberty-hating scum, I regret to inform you that the Department of Education has launched an obviously political hit-job disguised as an “investigation” into the last five free states in America for rejecting mask mandates for schoolchildren. It’s not enough for our overlords that a vast majority of the United States forces kindergartners to inhale their own carbon dioxide through snot-filled rags for six hours a day, but every single state must comply with the unscientific masking mandates to stop the spread of COVID—or they will be punished with lawfare and government agency-directed witch hunts.

For the record, there isn’t one current study that shows masking had any effect on the transmission of the virus. In fact, the CDC was caught with its pants down after hiding the fact that one of its own studies showed that masks in schools don’t do anything significant to “slow the spread”of COVID. But you are to ignore the facts in favor of the feelings of hysterical people who want to control you and what you wear on your face for the rest of your life because… just do it, peasant!…”

Doug Santo