Emerald Bay

This could be my anthem
30 Again
When Women Were Women
Marilyn Monroe Bolt Action
Vegan Image of the Day
Barbie Image of the Day
Democrat Nightmare
Democrat Candidates
Mueller-Smollett Intersectionality
Mueller, Mueller, Mueller
More Mueller!
Harsh but Fair, Image of the Day
Mueller Cartoon of the Day
The Modern Progessive Democrats
“I Broke Up With Her Because She’s White,”
Notes a columnist in the New York Times’ “Modern Love” section:
But the real reason I think I can no longer date white women isn’t any of that. It’s because in today’s hashtag-woke society, there is mad pressure to be hashtag-woke. To be aware of the implications of whom you’re attracted to and why. Which means that in the eyes of others, the color of the women I date is a big deal. Like I’m the problem. Like I’m betraying my people if I date white women.
But I was taught that we were all one people!*
I see people watching me with a stink eye, noses turned up, as if they think black and brown people would somehow be better off if I dumped my white girlfriend. It’s a lot of pressure. Along with each watchful eye, the whispers of, “Pick a side, Chris, pick a side,” fill my already noisy mind.
I started reading James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates and other black and brown authors looking for guidance, a road map, help on what it means to be a brown man in the world. Like: Yes, our bodies have been colonized. Yes, I am a child of blackness. Yes, the black body has done more for society than it has gotten in return. Yes, society seems to want to embrace a lot of things associated with blackness without actually being black.
How did we get here? If everyone is so woke, why are things so terrible?
Found via Allahpundit, who tweets, “It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at this [last] line.”
“Unexpectedly,” the institutional left is once again acting like the mirror image of the alt-right.
* Not reading the New York Times since the early 1990s, you weren’t.
From Ed Driscoll
Headline of the Day
Pywiack Dome

California’s 10-Round Limit Unconstitutional
CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Breaking! Federal Court Finds California Magazine Ban Violates the Second Amendment.“Judge Benitez rendered his opinion late Friday afternoon and handed Second Amendment supporters a sweeping victory by completely invalidating California’s 10-round limit on magazine capacity. ‘Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts,’ he declared.”
The opinion is here.
From Glenn Reynolds