Biden’s Offer to Call Trump to Give Coronavirus Response Advice Is the Best April Fool’s Joke Ever
Biden needs publicity, any publicity, before people forget who he is.
Biden needs publicity, any publicity, before people forget who he is.
Meanwhile in Stockton…Did we mention San Joaquin County has more cases of COVID-19 than the entire Central Valley and Foothills COMBINED? 👀
— 209 Times (@209TimesCA) March 30, 2020
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Part of China’s geo-strategic operations to shift blame for the Coronavirus to the U.S. and demonstrate China is not the country responsible for the outbreak?
Austin Bay:
“…Here’s the high-risk rub: Does anyone not on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party trust Beijing’s dictatorship with the power to pervasively monitor communications (spy locally as well as globally), interrupt, deny or corrupt digital services, and possibly take surreptitious control of digital devices, say, the air traffic control computers at Los Angeles International Airport?
Outrageous scenario? No, given Huawei’s baggage is a legitimate worry exacerbated by the regime’s criminal dishonesty (e.g., lying about COVID-19/Wuhan virus). For all practical purposes, Huawei is a Chinese Communist Party tool. In spy lingo, a cutout company can hide an espionage operation. Abundant evidence suggests Huawei serves as a cutout…”
Chanel Rion has asked the President questions that other media outlets don’t like. Such as:
“Do you consider the use of the term ‘Chinese food’ racist? Because it’s food that originates in China and has roots in China? And on that note. Major left-wing news media, even in this room, have teamed up with Chinese Communist Party narratives, and they are claiming that you are racist for making these claims about Chinese virus. Is it alarming that major media players, just to oppose you, are consistently siding with foreign state propaganda, Islamic state radicalism, Latin gangs and cartels? And they work right here at the White House with direct access to you and your team.”
It looks like The White House Correspondents Association is getting some payback.
Our media continues to shine in this difficult time.
Paul Bedard:
WATCH: Joe Biden forgets what he's saying and has to look down at notes during softball MSNBC interview taped with Lyin' Brian Williams.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) April 1, 2020
The front page of China’s People magazine featuring Ai Fen (left, second from top), director of the Wuhan Central Hospital ER, as it initially appeared (L) and after it was deleted from its website and paper copies were removed from the shelves.
She is a disgusting political hack