USS Kearsarge

(June 23, 2019) The Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) transits the Suez Canal. Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with the embarked 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security in the Central Region, connecting the Mediterranean and the Pacific through the Western Indian Ocean and three strategic choke points.

Lincoln Said It Best: The Founding Fathers Opposed Slavery


“…In Lincoln’s famous 1860 Cooper Union speech, he noted that of the 39 framers of the Constitution, 22 had voted on the question of banning slavery in the new territories. Twenty of the 22 voted to ban it, while another one of the Constitution’s framers–George Washington–signed into law legislation enforcing the Northwest Ordinance that banned slavery in the Northwest Territories. At Cooper Union, Lincoln also quoted Thomas Jefferson, who had argued in favor of Virginia emancipation: “It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation, and deportation, peaceably, and in such slow degrees, as that the evil will wear off insensibly….”

To be sure, the Founding Fathers weren’t abolitionists. But they were overwhelmingly antislavery…”


50 Roman Catholic clergy ‘credibly accused’ of child abuse in Rhode Island

The Catholic Church is sick. The disease could be terminal unless leadership steps up.

Lee Brown:

“…A Roman Catholic diocese in Rhode Island on Monday publicly named 50 church leaders who have been “credibly accused” of sexually abusing children.

The damning list was posted on the Providence diocese website — and includes 19 priests and deacons who are still alive. Most have been removed from ministry, with one priest having resigned.

The other 31 are dead, according to the diocese.

Of the listed, 17 — including four who are still alive — were not in the database of accused Rhode Island priests maintained by, a website that tracks the Catholic abuse crisis nationwide, according to WPRI.

Bishop Thomas Tobin called its release “a difficult but necessary moment” in the history of the church…”


El Salvador’s President Says His Country — Not Trump — Is Responsible For Migrant Deaths In Rio Grande


Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele insisted his country must start asking questions about why its residents are trying so desperately to reach the United States and to ensure emigration is “an option, not an obligation,” he told BBC News.

“People don’t flee their homes because they want to, people flee their homes because they feel they have to,” Bukele told the BBC. “Why? Because they don’t have a job, because they are being threatened by gangs, because they don’t have basic things like water, education, health.”

Bukele refused to shift the blame. “We can blame any other country but what about our blame? What country did they flee? Did they flee the United States? They fled El Salvador, they fled our country. It is our fault.”


CBS Touts Blue States and Cities Passing New Taxes, Plastic Bag/Straw Bans

Nicholas Fondacaro:

CBS Evening News
July 1, 2019
6:52:40 p.m. Eastern

DAVID BEGNAUD: Across the country today, a flurry of new laws, some catching nationwide attention. We will begin in Vermont, where they’re hoping to curb vaping. They slapped a 92 percent tax on e-cigarettes. New York City has banned agencies from buying single-use plastics. In Washington, D.C., there’s a ban on plastic straws. And in California, background checks are now required for the purchase of ammunition.


Americans VASTLY Overestimate the Gay Population in U.S., Gallup Finds

This is a story about our biased, agenda-driven, propagandist entertainment media and news industry. They have fed a fake story to the American people. Look at the stats below. Self-identifying LGBT people make up about 4.5% of the US population. This 4.5% have an over-sized influence on national affairs.

A new Gallup poll reveals:

U.S. adults estimate that nearly one in four Americans (23.6%) are gay or lesbian. Gallup has previously found that  Americans have greatly overestimated the U.S. gay population, recording similar average estimates of 24.6% in 2011 and 23.2% in 2015. In each of the three polls in which Gallup has asked this question, a majority of Americans estimated this population to be 20% or greater.

Americans’ estimate of the proportion of gay people in the U.S. is more than five times Gallup’s more encompassing 2017 estimate that 4.5% of Americans are LGBT, based on respondents’ self-identification as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


Joe Biden Learns You Can Never Be Woke Enough

More great commentary by Kurt Schlichter. Click over for the whole thing and a few laughs:

“…By any sane standard, Joe Biden is not a racist. He’s a clod, a creepy leech, terminally dumb, and he says cringy things (including about race), but the idea that he harbors any vicious hatred for people based on their race is really, really far-fetched. Sure, there’s a statistically insignificant chance that Sleepy Floppy Gropey Joe is really Seggy Joe, wistfully recalling the days of segregation and Jim Crow – after all, those are Democrat inventions – but it’s … unlikely. But that doesn’t matter. The Social Justice Whiners who totally dominate the Democrat Party have made sure that neither he nor any of the other liberals fighting for the chance to be crushed by Donald Trump in 2020 will be measured by any sane standard.

Joe recently mentioned how he was able to work with the loathsome Democrat racists infesting the Senate when he got there in the early ’70s. They were a different breed of loathsome Democrat racists back then. They hated everyone who was not white. Today’s loathsome Democrat racists now hate everyone who is, but they are more flexible than that. The loathsome Democrats of today are not merely racists, but sexist religious bigots who hate men, observant Jews and Christians, as well as individual members of sexual and racial minorities who reject the poisonous ideology of progressivism. Their word for this evolution is “progress.”…”


On the 2020 Democratic Primary Field

Kurt Schlichter:

“…In the Dems’ defense, they do have an uphill battle. The economy is on fire, we’ve dodged all the new wars our garbage elite has proposed, Mueller (who went unmentioned) delivered only humiliation, and all 723 Democrats running are geebos. But say what you will, they are a diverse bunch in every way except thought – among the weirdos, losers and mutations onstage were a fake Indian, a furry, a guy so dumb he quotes Che in Miami, a raving weather cultist, America’s shrill first wife, a distinctly non-fabulous gay guy, T-Bone’s homie, whatever the hell Andrew Yang is, and Stevie Nicks…”



Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley


Lawmakers’ Request for Audit of California DMV Killed Despite Suspicion of Election Fraud

Katy Grimes:

“…In January we learned that the Department of Motor Vehicles and county voter registrars told the California Secretary of State Alex Padillalast year that the motor Voter program was not ready. Motor Voter automatically registers voters when they renew or obtain a drivers license. The DMV and registrars asked Secretary Padilla to hold off on the roll-out. But Padilla and the state went ahead anyway.

The new system had not been properly checked, according to the county voter registrars. They had valid concerns, said Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno). “The people of California are suffering with the DMV and it’s 1980’s technology,” Patterson said.

California’s Motor Voter program has been plagued with problems since its rollout in April 2018. The Department has admitted mishandling voter registration information for 23,000 drivers and double-registering as many as 77,000 others. In addition to this, as many as 1,500 ineligible voters were registered by the DMV – including an unknown number of non-citizens. Also, over 500 Californians may not have been able to vote in the November 2018 election because the DMV did not send their information to the Secretary of State’s office in time.

Patterson said his office is still getting reports from constituents whose Party registration was changed after a visit to the DMV. “This is how ballot harvesting is happening,” Patterson said.

Patterson is a member of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, and has been pushing for a bipartisan audit of the DMV, including the Motor Voter Program. Assemblyman Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) and Patterson made the bipartisan request to audit the DMV Motor Voter Program of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee at a special hearing in May.

Last week Democrats on the JLAC committee declined to authorize an audit, despite concerns of voter fraud within the Motor Voter program. In addition to registering illegal aliens to vote, “a number of families with 16-year-olds are getting registered to vote – not just pre-registered, as legislated,” Assemblyman Patterson said in an interview with California Globe…”


Doug Santo