How to work with Democrats…
The Biden administration spent $42,000,000,000.00 of taxpayer money to expand broadband to more Americans. Zero homes were connected in 4 years.
Walk into Best Buy. Pick up Starlink dish. Mount it and point it at the sky. You now have broadband.
The current state of Democrats reflects widespread Liberal Mental Disorder…
Myanmar, Thailand 7.7-magnitude earthquake. May God bless and protect these people…
Everything the left touches turns to shit…
America’s Librarians Became Militantly Political, And Now They Suffer The Consequences
“…librarians have been freeriding on a mostly positive cultural stereotype of old biddies who yell at kids to keep quiet but somehow also know how to help you find obscure information on local zoning laws if it comes to that. The reality is that sometime in the last few decades the vocation of local librarian acquired a uniquely left-wing nimbus. It’s hard to say whether there was an organized takeover of the profession or it organically attracted a new generation that saw their primary vocational responsibility as agents of radical and unwelcome social change. Regardless, they’ve become a threat to future generations and are making us dumber…”