Garland has overseen the worst, most biased, most politicized, most weaponized DOJ of my lifetime. Garland has been a failure as Attorney General…

Garland’s impartial DOJ claims conflict with reports of political interference, bias

“…Several whistleblowers’ complaints, an inspector general report, and an FBI scandal are just part of the growing mountain of evidence that the DOJ has not held to the core values and norms that Garland said protect the independence of the department…”

I’m sorry to have to say it, but Pope Francis is a real jerk. My advice to the Pope, stick to the bible. Leave politics to us lessor humans…

Pope Francis slams both Trump and Harris but tells Americans to vote for ‘lesser of two evils’

“…Pope Francis on Friday slammed both major U.S. presidential candidates as “against life,” because of Vice President Kamala Harris’s stance on abortion, and former President Donald Trump’s stance on immigration, but told Americans to choose the “lesser of two evils.”

The pope, who has weighed in on politics as the head of the Catholic Church more than his recent predecessors, did not indicate which candidate was considered the “lesser of two evils.”…”

The Harris-Biden Administration will be remembered for unusual incompetence in every government sector…

Lefty policies cannot prevail without censorship, coercion, and threats to livelihood…

Jonathan Turley: Sixth Circuit Hands Down Major Free Speech Win for Professor Against the University of Louisville

“…The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit handed down a major victory for free speech this week in favor of a professor challenging his treatment by the University of Louisville. In Josephson v. Ganzel, a unanimous panel ruled for Dr. Allan Josephson who was subject to adverse actions after he publicly expressed skepticism over some treatments for youth diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The decision is important because it deals with qualified immunity and reaffirms liability for the denial of free speech protections.

Writing for the panel (including Senior Judge Ronald Lee Gilman and Judge Allen Griffin), Judge Andre Mathis found that university officials could not claim immunity in the denial of free speech protections for faculty.

We previously discussed this case. Josephson was a professor of psychiatry at the medial school and had success at the school after serving as the Division Chief of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Louisville for nearly 15 years. He has 35 years of experience in the field.

His apparent good standing at the school changed dramatically when he participated in a discussion of the treatment of childhood gender dysphoria at an event in October 2017 sponsored by a conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation.  He expressed his reservations with some treatments and his public comments were reported back to his colleagues.

Dr. Josephson argued that children are not mature enough to make such major, permanent decisions and that 80-95 percent of children claiming gender dysphoria eventually accept their biological sex over time without such treatment.

Those views are widely shared by others and have been cited as the basis for states adopting bans on conversion treatments for young children.

His commentary triggered a backlash at the school, which led to a decision not to renew his contract. When sued, the school invoked the Eleventh Amendment and claimed qualified immunity. The district court correctly rejected that claim and the Sixth Circuit just affirmed that denial…”

Whistleblower at ABC: Kamala given questions before debate

ABC’s debate moderator, Linsey Davis, is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris…

I remember that Vice President Harris was unable to attend a joint session of congress where Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was making an address to the nation because she had previously committed to attend a sorority party.

I wonder if Linsey Davis, Kamala’s sorority sister and ABC’s future debate moderator, was in attendance at the sorority party?

Is there a “journalist” in all of corporate media that is interested in investigating this apparent coincidence? Or that could even ask a question about it?

The effects of Harris-Biden border policies and the coverup from corporate liberal media…

Marianne Williamson: “confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo”

I don’t agree with her on much, but she is honest.

“White Fragility” is real. As demonstrated by the author. The issue is the title. It should be “Liberal White Fragility.”