Uniparty Never-Trump Republicans side with corrupt Democrats, garbage media, and deep state scoundrels against our great country…

Christie: At First Debate, Trump Will Be “Out On Bail” In Four States

Attorney General Bill Barr Threatens to ‘Jump Off Bridge’ if Trump Secures GOP 2024 Nomination

Hutchinson: GOP Can’t Win with Trump Leading Ticket Because of ‘Serious’ Legal Problems

Chuck Todd: People Don’t Yet Fully Comprehend That Trump Will Be Facing Multiple Trials During 2024 Primary

Barr especially knew of the FBI/DOJ corruption, lies, and double standards and did nothing because of his hatred for Trump.

DOJ is attempting to ARREST Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer just hours before he’s set to testify


The request comes as Archer is set to testify Monday before the House Oversight Committee.

Has Australia finally realized the extent of the Covid crazy that happened to them?




Another reason to vote for Trump…

Trump electrifies Pennsylvania rally, vows to mass deport illegal aliens let in by Biden

There should be some process that leads to citizenship if illegals turn themselves in and become part of our system. That may involve deportation until their cases are resolved.


Trump: Biden Is A Corrupt President That’s Been Paid Off; Dems Took The Gloves Off, So We Take The Gloves Off

Climate like Covid is about power for western liberal elites.

Energy industry fears Biden to declare climate emergency, seize powers like COVID pandemic

The elites amass power, force people to comply with nonsense, separate themselves into an elite upper class exempt from nonsense, declare what good and knowledgeable leaders (demigods) they are, how beneficial their decisions are for the little people, and how much the littles should be thankful.


Sorry that is history repeated over and over.

It is one primary reason our great country was founded and our foundational documents written.

A traditional doctor. A good man.

He loves people.

Failure must be recognized, reasons identified, changes instituted, people held to account.

The Great Cloud of Disrepute

“…A dark cloud of disrepute hangs over all official institutions in the developed world. It affects governments most but also all the institutions that cooperated with them over three and a half years, including media, the biggest corporations, and tech companies. The cloud covers most all academia, medicine, and experts in general.

The reason traces to the utterly preposterous pretense that by the mass violation of rights and freedoms, governments would somehow contain or control (or something) a common respiratory virus. Not one tactic they tried worked – one might suppose that at least one would show some effectiveness if only by accident, but no – yet the attempt alone imposed costs that we’ve never before experienced on this scale.

The population of most developed countries – Sweden excluded because they largely ignored the demands of the WHO – is now suffering ill-health, demoralization, educational loss, economic stagnation, population declines, and a mass loss of trust in everything.

Crime in the US has exploded in ways we never imagined. Whole cities imploding, including the greatest of all such as Chicago, San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, and New York City. The commercial real estate crisis is around the corner. Whole business districts have been wrecked. Malls are closing up, which would be fine if this were a pure market at work deprecating a once-fashionable thing, but this comes three years following a period when nearly all were forced to become ghost towns by governments around the country.

Even in the face of all this evidence, there is only denial. There has been no serious coming to terms with what happened, not at any level in any way. Writers describe symptoms but rarely trace to the causation. The lockdown – completely without precedent in Western policy history – is the great unmentioned. The trauma is so deep, and the range of implicated institutions so broad that it has been deliberately vanished.

The only possible redemption that could follow such a disastrous period in human history would be abject apologies on a mass scale, followed by ironclad promises never to do this again. That should have included dramatic reforms in power, accountability, and personnel. There needed to be a reckoning.

But here we are forty months later and we hear only silence from all official sources. The way in which this topic – the proverbial elephant in the room – has become taboo is most striking. Major media dares not bring it up. Candidates are not questioned about it. Public health officials are mostly in hiding. Scientific establishments are chugging along as if nothing happened…”

Corruption clearly visible to all, yet ignored by garbage media and delusional politicians…

A Tale of Two Plea Deals: Hunter Biden, and an ordinary Joe

Same Crimes, Same Prosecutors, Different Punishments

“…how two prosecutors assigned to the Hunter Biden case, Leo Wise and Derek Hines, treated less serious tax cases as compared to the Hunter Biden case…

…Wise and Hines have been described in one Baltimore Sun article as relentless prosecutors who “are like the terminator.” They are hardliners who “pursue stern sentences and prosecute even small-time crooks.”…

…If we can briefly summarize – in the De Sousa case, DOJ prosecutors Wise and Hines wanted to send a message that you get a harsh sentence if you try to avoid your taxes. The DOJ, assisted by Wise and Hines, now sends a different message in the Hunter Biden case: the son of the President gets preferential treatment. More egregious tax crimes are no longer subject to imprisonment.

Barring shocking revelations, DOJ “terminators” Leo Wise and Derek Hines, the prosecutors who in the past pursued “stern sentences”, the two men who made their names in the Department by taking down notorious targets, are now doing all they can – from misrepresenting Hunter’s conduct to the Court to omitting key details of Hunter’s tax fraud – to make sure the President’s son doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist…”

And why is liberal media garbage media? Here’s why:

Matt Taibbi: The Most Embarrassing “Facebook Files” Revelation? The Press, Exposed as Censors: The “Facebook Files” show the press is part of the censorship establishment, but that’s not the worst part.

“…In the summer of 2021, the White House and Joe Biden were in the middle of a major factual faceplant. They were not only telling people the Covid-19 vaccine was a sure bet — “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” is how Biden put it — but that those who questioned its efficacy were “killing people.” But the shot didn’t work as advertised. It didn’t prevent contraction or transmission, something Biden himself continued to be wrong about as late as December of that year.

If you go back and give a careful read to corporate media content from that time describing the administration’s war against “disinformation,” you’ll see outlets were themselves not confident the vaccine worked. Take the New York Times effort from July 16th, 2021, “They’re Killing People: Biden Denounces Social Media for Virus Disinformation.” You can see the Times tiptoeing around what they meant, when they used the word “disinformation.” In this and other pieces they used phrases like, “the spread of anti-vaccine misinformation,” “how to track misinformation,” “the prevalence of misinformation,” even “Biden’s forceful statement capped weeks of anger in the White House over the dissemination of vaccine disinformation,” but they repeatedly hesitated to say what the misinformation was.

Any editor will tell you this language is a giveaway. Journalists wrote expansively about “disinformation,” but rarely got into specifics. They knew that they couldn’t state with certainty that the vaccine worked, that there weren’t side effects, etc., yet still denounced people who asked those questions. This is because they agreed with the concept of “malinformation,” i.e. there are things that may be true factually, but which may produce political results considered adverse. “Hestiancy” was one such bugbear. Note the language from the unnamed Facebook executive above, which describes the press lashing out “Covid-19 vaccine discouraging content,” not “disinformation.”

This is total corruption of the news. We’re supposed to be in the business of questioning officials, even if the questions are unpopular. That’s our entire role! If we don’t do that, we serve no purpose, maybe even a negative purpose…”


The Democrat cult of climate…

Climate Crazies Have Discovered That Summertime Is Hot

Old – Summers are hot.

New – Summers are a climate catastrophe.

Extra new:

Why Not: Global Warming Is Now “Global Boiling”


‘Man-Made’ Climate Change: Majority of Greek Wildfires Are Result of Arson

Climate cultists turn to Paganism:


The worship of idols or false gods

Democrats Take A Page From Primitive Tribal Shaman, Blaming Their Enemies For The Weather

Doug Santo