Another hard-boiled liberal sees the light…

Bill Maher Exposes How Dumb the Medical Elite Was About COVID

“…Bill Maher has made some MSNBC-like tirades in recent weeks. After a winning streak of commentaries bashing his side for coddling pro-Hamas lunatics within the Democratic Party, mocking Biden’s age, and overall voicing his displeasure about how political correctness remains a guiding principle among liberals…

…it didn’t take long for the comedian to turn his fire toward the media and the medical elites who held us hostage over a virus that has now been relegated to flu status regarding treatment. It’s not official CDC policy, and quarantine is no longer on the table for future COVID infections. This development comes after the media treated this little virus as a horrid mixture of Ebola, measles, bird flu, and the Black Death.

Maher expertly drags the media and the medical establishment without mercy for being outright insane. We closed schools, which has irreparably damaged our children’s education. There is no way our reading and math scores will recover—ever. Given how bureaucratic the system is, along with the political biases of the teachers’ unions and their members, it’s a hopeless situation; forcing kids to digest left-wing propaganda and gay porn in libraries isn’t going to increase test scores.

We washed the mail, wore masks outside, and, as Maher quipped, had to get “nose f**ked” if we were to leave the home. Major sporting events were played in front of cardboard people. New York City recommended “glory holes” for sexual contact during the pandemic. Feel free to research at your leisure if you don’t know what that is. As the HBO host noted, the backward thinking during the pandemic could be captured like this: the experts, like Fauci and his legion of medical clowns, said it was unhealthy to go outside, get fresh air, and soak up Vitamin D via sunshine during this period because the more responsible option to was to stay locked up, become racked with anxiety, and excessively drink…”
